The will to initiate a European network of university towns by the Association des villes universitaires de France is one of the priorities of the new executive of the association and is notably part of the proposals of the AVUF for a « second wind to the Europe of Higher Education ».
Initially based on the twinning or decentralised cooperation agreements of the association’s member cities, this network aims to develop the sharing of good practices and contacts between local authorities at European level to support the development of mobility through four objectives to make mobility accessible to all, to improve the support of individuals, to diversify the mobility pathways through the development of professional and learning pathways, to increase and strengthen the links between individuals in mobility and the host and/or departure territories through the development of the civic and European dimensions of mobility programmes.
The European Network of University Towns aims to address the following issues:
Initially, the network will operate mainly on the basis of relationships already established between cities in Europe through twinning and partnership agreements. However, in the long term, the network aims at collaboration between cities that do not have a partnership agreement with each other.